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How to practice drum rudiments as a beginner
Learn Drum Rudiments, Play Drums!
How to practice drum rudiments as a beginner

How to practice drum rudiments

Keno Hellmann


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Good morning, and thanks a lot for joining me on!

Maybe you have asked yourself a while ago “What are drum rudiments” and now you are looking for a guide on how to practice your first basic drum rudiments for beginners.

Congrats, you don’t need to look any further!

Because you found the resource which will help you get the most out of your daily rehearsals including all things you really need to practice drum rudiments today, tomorrow and in the future.

Tools for practicing drum rudiments

Before you start practicing drum rudiments, you should have the following items at hand:

Evans RealFeel practice pad red

#1 Drum practice pad

Besides a pair of drumsticks, a drum practice pad like the one you can see on the image, is a must-have for every drummer.

I personally recommend the Evans Real Feel which is available in different sizes and configurations here.

While travelling, you can carry it in a conventional backpack and practice drum rudiments wherever you go.

Also, playing on a drum pad isn’t very loud, so that you can even practice drum rudiments when your neighbors sleep.

#2 A pair of drumsticks

Of course, you will need a pair of drumsticks when practicing rudiments!
If you haven’t had the chance to buy a pair that fits your hands and playing style, I would recommend buying at least 2 pairs which differ in size and weight. 5A and 5B of these are a good choice to begin with.
Over time, this will help you get an idea of which size, material, and weight is ideal for your drumming style.

These are the best drumsticks I use.
Earmuffs are the best ear protection for young drummers

#3 Ear protection

In case, you practice drum rudiments on a usual snare drum, you must protect your ears to avoid hearing loss and tinnitus!

Effective ear protection doesn’t cost a fortune. I recommend earmuffs like these.

Earplugs like these are also a great alternative.

#4 Metronome

A metronome will help improve a drummer’s precision in terms of timing.

Although playing to a metronome click can be very challenging, it’s a good idea to use one right from the start. You will need one anyway.

Since the invention of smartphones, metronomes are also available as downloadable apps and there are hundreds if not thousands available on any download store.

Tangible metronome devices are also available and come with features, apps aren’t able to deliver.
These types of metronomes are not cheap compared to apps, but you may want to take a look at what’s on the market right now.

Tempo is a metronome app for your smartphone and tablet computer.

How to practice drum rudiments

Now it’s time to talk about how to practice drum rudiments the proper way, which will help you make the progress you are looking for.

#1 Setting up your drum practice pad / snare drum

Before you start practicing drum rudiments, you must aim for a consistent setup of your sitting position and the drumming surface, aka drum practice pad, snare drum table-top etc.

Sitting too high or too low doesn’t allow a proper positioning of your arms, hands, and drumsticks related to the surface you are going to play on.

Make sure that your forearms, hands, and fingers are relaxed while practicing.

This is the Matched Grip drumming technique
Matched Grip drumming

Also, very important to keep in mind are the very basics on how to find the ideal grip. Please read the following article for more information: How to hold drumsticks properly.

When you found the proper playing position and grip, you can mark your hardware using a pen like this.

This will help you find the same position again, in case you have to make some changes from time to time.

#2 Using a mirror and/or camera

While practicing drum rudiments, you should always strive for the most even motions possible.

To achieve a consistent sound across various volume levels and tempos, it’s essential for your arms, forearms, and hands to synchronize seamlessly, functioning with precision and the highest level of coordination possible.

Thus, it’s always a good idea to check your own playing, while practicing!

This will help you notice inconsistencies in motions and sound which may come up during practice sessions.

Such self-observation works very well playing in front of a mirror.

You can also record yourself using a smartphone camera or any other device which can do a similar job.

Since the sound quality of modern smartphones becomes better over time, you can also hear inconsistencies and adapt your playing accordingly.

#3 Practicing techniques

Slow practice

To achieve a consistent sound across various volume levels and tempos, it’s essential for your arms, forearms, and hands to synchronize seamlessly, functioning with precision and the highest level of coordination possible.

Thus, it’s always a good idea to check your own playing, while practicing!
This will help you notice inconsistencies in motions and sound which may come up during practice sessions.

Such self-observation works very well playing in front of a mirror. You can also record yourself using a smartphone camera or any other device which can do a similar job.

Since the sound quality of modern smartphones becomes better over time, you can also hear inconsistencies and adapt your playing accordingly.

Break it down

When learning a complex piece or passage, break it down into smaller sections and practice them separately.
Once you master each section, gradually put them together until you can play the entire piece smoothly.

Dynamic control

Experiment with different dynamics and articulations while practicing enhancing your expressiveness and control over the instrument. This will give your playing a more nuanced and musical quality.

Mindful repetition

Instead of mindlessly repeating a passage, practice with intention and focus on improving specific aspects of your playing. This will help you make steady progress and avoid developing bad habits.

Practice with a metronome

Using a metronome helps improve your sense of timing and rhythm. Start at a comfortable tempo and gradually increase the speed as you become more comfortable with the passage.

Remember, consistent and deliberate practice is key to improving your skills as a musician.

What’s your best way to learn drum rudiments?

I hope, you liked my little manual about “how to practice drum rudiments”.

Now it’s your turn!
Please let me know what’s missing in this blog post and how do you prefer practicing the drummer’s ABC?

Do you use a mirror? Do you record yourself while playing?

I’d love to read your answer in the comments below.

Talks soon and enjoy playing drums!

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